Difficulty: medium Climb: 1'280m Departure: Arinsal
0 h: Arinsal - Torrent
Ribal 1.580 m Set off from the picnic spot at the foot of Ribal waterfall. 0.40 h: Borda de les Agunes
1.790 m 1 h: Bordes de la Coruvilla
1.880 m 1.40 h: Pla de l'Estany - Refugi
Joan Canut 2.080m 2.50 h: Font de Montmantell
2.410 m 3.30 h: Metal hut
3.40 h: Estanys de Montmantell
2.630 m - 2.670 m 4.20 h: Pic del Pia de l'Estany
2.859 m |
Note concerning the excursions that
that at the Ribal cascade (1'600m). Following an avalanche, the
Andorran Government decided to build a protection wall cutting off the upper
part of the valley of Arinsal from the rest of the world. The locals call
it the "great wall of China". In order to get to the Ribal cascade, walk
through the tunnel. To your great surprise, you will see apartment buildings
on the other side of the wall !!! (Mind you, they are for sale!). Take the first
right after the tunnel. The Ribal cascade is above the second tunnel.
The Ribal cascade is about at a 15 minute walk from your apartment
or chalet.